Coronavirus Do The Five USA Sign

coronavirus do the five usa sign modèles
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Do The 5, Spread the word, not the coronavirus! Do The Five and share them with your friends, colleagues, and family. Download the sign and place it in a visible spot.

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  • Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel
  • 100% personnalisable

Évaluation du modèle: 7

Aucun Malware/Virus trouvé, scanné par: Norton safe website

Life Privé Health Santé healthcare soins de santé illness maladie corona virus COVID 19 virus quarantine pandemic coronavirus outbreak quarantene isolation isolation template quarantine covid19 covid19 do the five covid19 do the five checklist covid 19 do the 5 coronavirus do the five do the five poster coronavirus do the five poster who who do the five cdc do the 5 disease prevention do the 5 prevention virus

Do these five simple things to help stop the coronavirus from spreading. Do the five and share them with your friends, colleagues, and family. Spread the word, not the virus!

The WHO came with a strong poster that provides 5 good suggestions in order to stop the coronavirus from spreading. Make sure you are aware of them and you will follow up strictly:

  1. HANDS - Wash them often
  2. ELBOW - Cough into it
  3. FACE - Don't touch it
  4. FEET - Stay more than 3ft apart
  5. FEEL SICK? - Stay home

Besides these 5 very crucial actions, it's also important to follow up on the daily updates from WHO, CDC, and local governments in order to end this Coronavirus outbreak.

Download this 'Do The Five' Sign as a Powerpoint template and place it in a visible spot to remind yourself and the people around you.

The European version of the Poster can be found here: Do The Five EU Poster

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