Memo Of Informal Meeting Template Example 1

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Projectmanagement Gestion de projet politics politique meeting réunion law loi lawsuit procès Com

(L11) CONFIRMING MEMO (Informal Meeting) FROM: OUR JOB NO: (Company Name) PROJECT: (Address - Number and Street) (Name) ((Address - City, State, Zip) (Project Address - Number and Street) (Project Address - City, State, Zip) TO: (Contact Person) YOUR JOB NO.: (Company Name) SENT (e-mail): (mail): (Address - Number and Street) (fax): (Address - City, State, Zip) This is to confirm a meeting at between and in which the following as said and/or agreed: G Additional page(s).. Revised 9/12 All of these facts are based upon your best recollection and under oath, correct And you wouldn’t leave out any important details, would you Now, I assume you are like the rest of us and your memory fades over time And the best evidence of a conversation would be notes someone may have taken at the time of the conversation, right Mr. Johnson, I’m giving you one more opportunity and ask you: is it not true that my client’s version of the facts is more accurate than yours (After “fencing him in” and allowing him the arrogance of insisting he was the only one telling t

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