Job Interview Complaint Letter template

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How to write a complaint letter for negligence of a manager that not showed up for job interview? Download this Job Interview Complaint Letter template now!

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How to write a complaint letter for negligence of a manager that not showed up for job interview? What to write when you are treated unprofessional during recruitment process at new company?

We provide this complaint letter template that was used when a job candidate was not treated professionally by the company that invited him or her for the job interview, for example when the interviewer was very rude, or when they let a person wait for a few hours or cancelled the interview too late. In this case, we know you might not want to spend more time on the issue, but its good you act and complaint about the situation. A complaint hopefully increases the quality and service level of the organization that caused the issue. Complaint letters can be written to a person if he or she is causing the issue, according to your opinion. An actual letter to a senior person in the organization will be much more effective than a quick e-mail or a telephone call to your customer service hotline. This example complaint letter illustrates the importance of making a specific and compelling case that essentially demands action from your management.

Job Interview Complaint Letter template
I am an applicant for the position of marketing manager at your company. I am writing this letter to you to make a formal complaint against person, the marketing department head.
I was informed about my job interview for the position of marketing manager through an email and was told that the interview would be scheduled on 6th July. I was present right on time and waited 2 hours for my turn.
When my turn came, I was told that the remaining interviews have been rescheduled. When I protested against it, I was told by person that I could go home and not come back if I had a problem. 
My complaint to you is that every individual has the right to give an interview if shortlisted and this kind of inappropriate behavior by senior professionals is totally unaccepted. I would request you to take necessary actions against Mr. person and invite me for a formal interview.

This letter comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. You can add text, remove content that isn’t applicable, change the look and formatting; in fact anything you are able to do with one of your own documents, you can do with this one as well. This letter template is deliberately designed to be flexible so that it can be adjusted to your needs and preferences. Therefore, we do not recommend to spend lots of precious time searching for a suitable complaint letter. 

Just download this formal complaint letter sample against a person template directly that has been put together for you!
This ready-made complaint letter template can help you out in this situation, and will save you precious time.
Using this Job Interview Complaint Letter template guarantees you will save time, cost and effort! Still consider if its worth the effort, if you do not want to work at the company anymore. However, the person that treated you badly should not easily get rid of this problematic situation, and it should be a learning moment for him or her.

Download complaint letter for negligence now and send it as soon as you can to the company that caused this problematic situation.

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