Custom Bunco Score Sheets

custom bunco score sheets modèles
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Do you need printable Bunco Score Sheets? Download this Custom Bunco Score Sheets template now!

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Do you need printable Bunco Score Sheets? Download this Custom Bunco Score Sheets template now!

We provide this Bunco Score Sheet template, a product of an experienced team’s extensive work! Bunco is the perfect choice for those who are looking to play a social dice game. Usually, the game is played with 12 players who are divided into three tables with four players per table. 

However, it is not so important in order to be able to play, but it’s best when the number of players is divisible by 4.
Bunco rules:

  • Bunco (dice game) is played in two to four sets and totally six rounds in each set.
  • The participant sitting at the head of the table gives a sign (rings a bell) to signal the start and end of each round.
  • During a game of dice, players take turns rolling three dice in order to try and earn as many points as possible. Ideally, all players at all the tables played simultaneously.
  • During each round, players attempt to roll the exact same number as the number of the round (for example, rolling three 3's in the third (3) round would earn the player points).
  • For every number rolled that is matching the round number (1 to 6), 1 point is given to the player.
  • Participant keeps rolling until they score no points. The keeper of the scores then writes down the score earned onto the table tally as the temporary team score. Then the dice are passed to the player on the left.
  • When the head table has earned in total 21 points, the round is finished. The head table rings a bell to signal that the round has ended.
  • At the end of each round, players change partners and/or tables. 
  • At the end of a game, there are typically multiple "winners". However, the player(s) that scored most Buncos, wins. It will depend on the players if also the second and third best may earn prizes for their successes.
Besides Bunco, we provide a lot of free suitable game templates and also have a premium collection available for professional usage. Using our leisure forms and templates guarantees you will have fun and your efforts will be rewarded!


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