Staff Attendance Warning

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How to create a Staff Attendance Warning? Download this Staff Attendance Warning template now!

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Business Entreprise HR RH warning letter lettre d'avertissement meeting réunion employee employé Should Devrait Performance letters des lettres Attendance Présence Sample Warning Letter Exemple de lettre d'avertissement Staff Attendance Warning Sample Échantillon d'avertissement de présence du personnel Staff Attendance Warning Avertissement de présence du personnel Staff Attendance Warning Example Exemple d'avertissement de présence du personnel

How to draft a Staff Attendance Warning? Download this Staff Attendance Warning template now!

We support you and your company by providing this Staff Attendance Warning HR template, which will help you to make a perfect one! This will save you or your HR department time, cost and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your work and business!

This Staff Attendance Warning has ways to grab your reader’s attention. It is drafted by HR professionals, intelligently structured and easy-to-navigate through. Pay close attention to the most downloaded HR templates that fit your needs.     

Download this Human Resources Staff Attendance Warning template now!

Appeal Appendix A Poor Performance or Attendance - The Key Stages Appendix B Poor Performance - Checklist for Supervisors Appendix C Attendance - Checklist for Supervisors Appendix D Written Warning - Sample Letter Appendix E Final Written Warning - Sample Letter Issued: Issue No: Revision No.. 31 January 2001 1 0 Page 7 of 19 word/human/handbook/undperf.doc THAMES VALLEY POLICE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY HANDBOOK 8.8 Following the meeting, it is essential that a report is prepared and copied to the employee concerned detailing the discussion and giving the manager’s decision on what action is to follow, including the time scale in which the action will take place.. STAGE 2 (I) - FIRST FORMAL MEETING Has performance/attendance improved to a satisfactory level Inform Individual Yes No Issue written warning STAGE 2 (ii) - SECOND FORMAL MEETING Has performance/attendance improved to a satisfactory level Inform Individual No Yes Issue final written warning STAGE 3 - HEARING Has performance improved to a satisfactory level No Dismiss Yes Further action APPEAL Issued: Issue No: Revision No.. 31 January 2001 1 0 Page 17 of 19 word/human/handbook/undperf.doc THAMES VALLEY POLICE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY HANDBOOK Appendix D SAMPLE LETTER Dear POOR PERFORMANCE / ATTENDANCE - WRITTEN WARNING I refer to our meeting on (date) which was held under stage 2 (i) of the Support Staff Poor Performance and Absence Procedure, a copy of which has been supplied to you.. 31 January 2001 1 0 Page 18 of 19 word/human/handbook/undperf.doc THAMES VALLEY POLICE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY HANDBOOK Appendix E SAMPLE LETTER Dear UNDER-PERFORMANCE/PERFORMANCE - FINAL WRITTEN WARNING I refer to our meeting on (date) which was held under stage 2 (ii) of the Support Staff Poor Performance and Attendance Procedure, a copy of which has been supplied to you..

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