Commissioner Resignation Letter Example

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How to write a Resignation letter example? Download this Commissioner Resignation letter example template now!

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Business Entreprise HR RH trading commerce resignation démission commission resignation letter example lettre de démission exemple Been Été letters des lettres Mark marque President Président Simple Letter Of Resignation Lettre simple de démission Simple Resign Letter Lettre de démission simple Commissioner le commissaire Resign Démissionner

Do you need to write a thoughtful Resignation Letter Example? Download this Resignation Letter Example now!

So goes a popular saying in Dutch used to announce one’s departure without having to go into details. There is a time of arriving and a time of leaving.

Whatever the circumstances of your departure, this Resignation Letter Example can help you draft a polite and appropriate resignation letter. In general, a resignation letter should be a short letter, formally exhorting your boss that you are leaving your job and the company. Such an abdication letter can help you keep up a positive association with your company and boss by leaving with a solid and positive last impression, while likewise preparing for you to proceed onward. 

Commissioner Resignation Letter Example written to the president:

Dear Mr. President:
I write you today to formally submit my resignation from my appointment as a commissioner with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. My last day will be 2022. It has been a tremendous honor to serve as both commissioner and acting chairman of the during an important time in our nation's history - I thank you, Mr. President, for granting me the opportunity. As you well know, during my service and regulators around the globe began an extraordinary effort to reform the financial system in order to better protect U.S. taxpayers and citizens around the world from future financial crises. In the context of the G20, you and other world leaders helped forge a consensus around what that reform should entail with respect to the global derivatives markets:
mitigating systemic and counterparty risk through the central clearing of swaps, increasing transparency through new reporting and trading requirements, and enhancing tools to combat fraud and manipulation. Together with my fellow commissioners, I have helped bring that vision of reform into reality by implementing tide VII of the Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The has successfully finished the vast majority of the work of rule writing pursuant to its mandate under a few rules remain to be finalized. More than ninety actions related to, in addition to many other commission actions, have been adopted since I joined the agency, and I supported and helped shape every one of them. Today there are more than 100 swap dealers provisionally registered with the clearing mandates in place for liquid swaps and trading mandates requiring liquid swaps to be executed on regulated trading facilities, as well as new reporting obligations for market participants. Additionally, the agency strengthened the risk management practices of clearinghouses and enhanced protections of customer funds held by entities registered with the company. Importantly, compliance with most of these rules has been in force for months if not years. I take great pride in my record at the commission. During my tenure, I have remained true to my commitments made to you and the U.S. Senate that confirmed my appointment. I have sought consensus globally, domestically, and within the commission itself throughout the implementation process, with the stated goals of ensuring the CFTC was properly informed as it pursued its work, and to better ensure that the reform effort would stand the test of time. International harmonization of the G20 reforms and improving the efficiency of the global derivatives markets has been a special focus of mine, as I convened multiple public sessions with global regulators to facilitate that process, and introduced novel responses to practical challenges to harmonization during my time as acting chairman. And I have vigorously supported the commission's enforcement program, which collected record fines during my tenure through the CFTC's responses to global schemes to manipulate LIBOR and foreign-currency markets, among many others.
I am grateful to have served alongside the hardworking and thoughtful commission staff. I am impressed with their dedication and service to the CFTC's mission. I am also grateful to have served with the two chairmen and five fellow commissioners I'm humbled to call colleagues. I thank them for their friendship and collegiality. I leave knowing that under the leadership of Chairman Massad and the dedicated CFTC staff, the commission will continue working tirelessly to protect the integrity of the U.S. financial system. I wish you the very best in your continued to service to our nation as President. It has been an honor to serve during your administration, and I am very proud to
have been associated with it. 

Please consider it might cause some stress for the employer who needs to find a replacement. Therefore it's important to give the notice in time (especially check with your contract), with for example two or four weeks, which is often an accepted minimum period of time.

We hope you made the best decision and this Commissioner Resignation Letter Example can be of good use to you, in order to write a polite and compelling resignation letter.

Good luck with your next step!

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