Introductie van het product Brief

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How to write a product sales introduction letter with a free give-away for beauty business? Are you looking for a professional Product Introduction Letter

A sales letter notification of the launch of new products is one of the best ways that companies can use to promote and announce a new addition to their business range. The sales letter is similar to an advertisement and can be aimed to catch the attention of new customers and established clients. Do you have an idea of what you want to draft, but you cannot find the exact words yet to write it down or lack the inspiration on how to write a strong introduction? If you've been feeling stuck, this Product Introduction Letter template can help you find inspiration and motivation. 

This Product Introduction Letter covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved. 

Sales letter with free give-away:

I am an admirer of your work and genuinely appreciate you taking the time to teach others how to enhance their beauty which will also enhance their lives. We are both on a similar mission as I have developed a skincare and make-up line that allows women to boost their beauty without hiding who they really are. I would love to offer you a sample product and offer your readers a sample as well to be used for a giveaway sponsored by my company. My skincare products are made with all organic and natural ingredients that I developed myself. These ingredients were carefully crafted to ensure that no chemical preservatives, artificial dyes, or colors even came close to the products I am offering. By using all-natural ingredients women can experience the amazing impact that nature can have on their skin and beauty. It would be my pleasure to send you a gift basket for you to enjoy and one to be offered to your readers as a part of the {{Company name}}, {{Product}} Give-Away. If it pleases you, you can invite your audience to a contest where they send in photos of themselves with no make-up celebrating who they are before they begin their beauty regimen. You can choose the photo you like best and send me the mailing address of the winner and I will mail out the gift basket to her within 2 weeks, saving you a bit of postage in the process.
The products included in the {{Company name}}, {{Product}} Give-Away will include:
While continuing to encourage women to stay true to pampering themselves with the very best products that you are faithful to review and recommend, you are empowering women to love who they are first thing in the morning. Please do reach out to me if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you on this very important giveaway that I am certain your audience...

Highlighting the Benefits of the New Product
One of the major selling aspects of new products to highlight the product’s benefits to the customer: 

  • This can also mean highlighting how the product will be more cost and time-efficient to the customer 
  • It could also highlight how it can be specifically implemented into another company’s workplace 
  • It could also be an upgraded product that is actually less expensive than the original 

Another sales highlight could be to mention the investment opportunities to be had by purchasing the new product. This could come in the form of explaining that the product will pay for itself through cost savings within a set period of time. Think as the customer would and the reasons why they would actually buy this product instead of competitors, even if this product is higher priced. Describe a unique selling point, something that makes this product different from similar products on the market. 

Short and snappy descriptive paragraphs should be used throughout. The writer wants to capture the reader’s attention but not assault them with infinite product details. A few bullet points with bold lettering can be used to highlight the benefits of the new product. If possible an email link can be added to the sales letter to a website with more product detail. A bold product description can also be added at the beginning of the letter that will describe the product in one line. 

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms, or documents. Don't reinvent the wheel every time you want to announce a new product. 

Download this Product Introduction Sales Letter template and save yourself time and effort! You will see this letter will help you grow your sales!

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