Experience certificate ms word format templates

Instant access to sample Experience Certificate letters to help bolster your career during your job search

Our Employment Certificate collection is to provide useful document templates that give guidance on how and what to write. By using the samples, you can finish your tasks faster. An experience letter is a formal letter issued by the employer to the employee that certifies the employee with the experience in the current organization. Experience letters are used by employees at the time of job search.

Writing tips to keep in mind when writing a work experience letter:

  • Must be on Company's Letterhead;
  • Full Name of the Employee as per the official Record;
  • Date of issue of the certificate;
  • Immediately clear about your name, experience and last position;
  • Use salutation or Declaration “To Whom it May Concern”;
  • Full Name of the Employee as per the official Record;
  • Period of Employment (Date of Joining and the last day of working in the organisation);
  • Uses the correct name of the organization and must be on Company's Letterhead;
  • Includes the person’s full name (and possibly the gender);
  • Date the certificate, mention day of issueing;
  • Period of Employment: specify duration or tenure of the employment period with the previous organization;
  • Specify the designation;
  • Nature of Duties or (last) responsibilities held;
  • Mention person was dedicate towards job or company;
  • Conduct;
  • Additional remarks by employer;
  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Write a positive statement regarding employee's future at end of the letter;
  • Place an Authorized signature and organizations' seal.

Use a common business letter or certificate format, like these templates below. They are drafted by HR professionals, are wisely structured and easy to navigate. Pay closer attention to the most downloaded templates for your business that will fit any HR concept. Check out and download the most suitable HR templates in Word or PDF directly. Also have a look at sample job seeker plans, resume creation templates, career resource information, and much more....

There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. | General Douglas MacArthur