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Office of the Premier Deputy Minister’s Office
Mailing Address:
Box 9041 Stn Prov Govt
ictoria BC V8W 9E1
elephone: 250 387-2226
Facsimile: 250 356-7258
August 9, 2012
Dear Dave:
This letter will confirm your temporary appointment as Acting Deputy Minister, Ministry of Jobs,
Tourism and Innovation.
Your assignment is effective August 6, 2012 and your salary will be $219,000 per annum, inclusive
of the 10% performance holdback. The assignment will be for a period of 6 months, ending
January 31, 2013. At the conclusion of this assignment you will return to your current position as
Associate Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Your terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged from those you maintain as an
Associate Deputy Minister.
Thank you for agreeing to take on this opportunity and best wishes in the role.
Yours truly,
John Dyble
Deputy Minister to the Premier, Cabinet Secretary
and Head of the Public Service
pc: Mark McLeod, BC Public Service Agency

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown