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Appendix A – Q1 Performance Management Exception Report
Development Control - 9 Key indicators
Scope Hit Just Miss Miss N/A Still Outstanding Grand Total
Local 1 2 3
National 3 12 6
Expect to Miss – 3
Short Description of Indicator Target Expect
The percentage of appeals allowed against the authority's
decision to refuse on planning applications. (National)
The Portfolio Holder: Christopher Newbury
20% 40%
Commentary from Baljit Tiwana - Service Manager
Q1 performance was 38.5%.
Managing the Performance
Further analysis is planned to determine if there are any trends or recurring reasons.
Short Description of Indicator Target Expect
% of decision which are delegated to officers. (Local)
The Portfolio Holder: Christopher Newbury
90% 85%
Commentary from Baljit Tiwana - Service Manager
The increase in the amount of applications going through committee is due to requests from
Ward Members and when parish councils recommend a ‘refusal’ but the Development
Control recommendation would be ‘permission’ - this complies with the constitution.
Managing the Performance
No specific actions are being taken
Short Description of Indicator Target Expect
Recommendations overturned by members as a % of total
decisions made by Members. (Local)
The Portfolio Holder: Christopher Newbury
be 20%)
Commentary from Baljit Tiwana - Service Manager
Target is incorrect, should be 20%. 2% was a % of ALL decisions, rather than just those
which were taken by Members. Performance by the end of June was 37%.
Managing the Performance
An investigation is planned to determine how many of the overturns result in appeals
which are then allowed.

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