Bill of Lading template

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Do you need to prepare a draft Bill of lading (B/L)? Download this Bill of Lading template now!

This Bill of Lading template will help you in your communication with your customers. It can be used as draft version or can be modified for shipping companies that need a new Bill of Lading template.

What is a Bill of Lading?
A Bill of Lading is a shipping document that states the ownership of the goods, and which is drawn up and provided originally by a captain, later a shipping company, and a statement and description of the loaded goods for its final destination. Upon arrival, the Bill serves as proof of ownership, which is usually a new owner at the destination. The goods can then be received upon presentation of the original Bill of Lading.

A Bill of Lading has three main functions:

  • Title entitling them to delivery: one must be able to present an original bill of lading to claim the goods at the port of destination.
  • Receipt of goods: from the moment the goods are received on board, the master or agent signs the Bill of Lading.
  • Proof of the conditions of the contract of carriage: the detailed terms of the agreement are located on the reverse side of the bill.

Using our bill of lading template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts!

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