Broken Engagement

broken engagement modèles
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How to write a brief broken engagement announcement? Download this Broken Engagement Announcement template now and save yourself time and effort.

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Life Privé Engagement

How to write a brief broken engagement announcement?

This Broken Engagement Announcement template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. 

Sample content:

Dear Sir/Madam {{Name}},

{{Mr. X and Miss Y}} would like to inform you that they have decided to end up their engagement. The decision was mutual and both parties are comfortable with it. 

Consequently, the wedding that was decided on {{date}} has been canceled. {{Mr. X and Miss Y}} appreciate your understanding and regret any convenience this may have caused.

Yours sincerely,


Download this Broken Engagement Announcement template now and save yourself time and effort.

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