Product Roadmap

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Projectmanagement Gestion de projet extend étendre registration enregistrement data Les données online en ligne information technology informatique Computing L'informatique Technology Technologie Cyberspace Cyberespace Information Technology Management Gestion de la technologie de l'information Website Site Internet Information Science Science de l'information Birth Certificate Certificat de naissance Birth Naissance Online And Offline En ligne et hors ligne

Product roadmap Agency benefits Customer benefits Customer usability improvements to birth registration online form and putting it on Extend birth registration with autofill using RealMe and enable customer notifications Integrated service website Access a simple online form to register the birth of my child.. R1 Establish online Foundation for BOAC Reusable service capabilities BOAC new mobile service delivery platform development, child’s digital records established Create an informational website (tablet friendly) leveraging GOVT.NZ with an online birth registration form.. Agency benefits Customer benefits Co-apply for multiple services Confirmed authoritative data available on the application for leading to reduced validation and compliance checking, increased data integrity, reduced data errors, reduced process cycle times and rework.. IRD provides customers with ability to prepopulate service applications R6 R7 Establish Co-Apply foundation Share updates requests across agencies v1 Extend co-apply forms v1 Establish integrated application forms for birth event, select and complete multiple forms at once using MSD forms..

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