Business Case for Project Word

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How to create a Business Case for Project Word? Download this Business Case for Project Word template now!

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Business Entreprise Projectmanagement Gestion de projet project projet Section Should Devrait Case Cas Business Case Template Word Modèle d'analyse de rentabilisation Word Business Case Templates In Modèles de dossiers commerciaux dans

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Template Introduction 2 2 Executive Summary 4 3 Business Need and Current Situation 5 4 Project Overview 6 4.1 objectives 6 4.2 scope and out of scope 6 4.3 deliverables 6 4.4 stakeholders 6 4.5 Resources 7 5 strategic alignment 8 6 Environmental Analysis 9 7 Market readiness 10 8 Alternatives (business, technical, and procurement) 11 9 Business and Operational Impacts 12 10 Risk Assessment and analysis 13 11 Feasibility assessment and analysis 14 12 Implementation Strategy 15 13 Contract Management processes and tools 16 14 project Review and Approval Process 17 15 Recommendations 18 16 Business case signoff 19 LIST OF TABLES Table 1:Stakeholders Requirements Analysis 7 Table 2: Business and Operational Impacts 12 2 Executive Summary Write this section of the template to provide a concise summary of the key highlights of the business case.. Examples of business impacts are: Change in service and/or products being provided Change in focus or direction of the department Changes that affect users of a service (e.g., access to services, cost, etc.) Examples of operational impacts are: Staff training required Reduction of staff resources For each impact, identify the magnitude of impact (high, medium, low, or none) for each alternative using the following guidelines as shown in Table 2: High indicates that the magnitude of impact is significant and stakeholder support and preparation is critical to the alternative s success Medium indicates that there is a manageable impact on the stakeholder Low indicates the alternative will have a minor impact on the stakeholder None indicates that the stakeholder will not be impacted by the alternative Impact and Description Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Stakeholder 1 Impact 1 description High Medium High Impact 1 description Medium Medium Medium ...

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