Wedding Invites

wedding invites modèles
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How soon do you need to finalize your invitations and send them out to your guests? Download and use our sample wedding invitation template, you can create an invitation that is both memorable and elegant.

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What style are you envisioning for your wedding invitations? How soon do you need to finalize your invitations and send them out to your guests?

Welcome to our sample wedding invitation template! We are excited to share with you this beautiful and unique template that is sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests. 

Our invitation template offers the perfect blend of elegance and simplicity. With its elegant design and timeless typography, it sets the tone for an enchanting celebration. Whether you're going for a classic or modern wedding theme, this template can be tailored to suit your preferences perfectly.

Key Features

  • Customization: One advantage of using our template is the ability to customize every detail. From selecting your preferred font and color scheme to personalizing the text, you have complete control over the design. This ensures that your invitation reflects your personality and style.
  • Professional Design: Our team of talented designers carefully crafted this template to ensure a professional and polished look. From the layout to the formatting, every detail is carefully considered to create a visually stunning invitation.
  • Print-Friendly: Our template is print-friendly, making it convenient and cost-effective to send the invitations to your guests. You can either print them at home or have them professionally printed.
  • Easy Editing: Editing our template is a breeze. Simply open the file in your preferred editing software and start customizing the text, colors, and images to reflect your wedding details. No design skills required!


To customize our template, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a color scheme: Select colors that align with your wedding theme or that represent your taste.
  2. Customize the text: Replace the sample text with your wedding details, such as the date, time, location, and any other relevant information.
  3. Add images: If you choose to include images, select the perfect images that capture the essence of your special day.
  4. Choose your font: Select a suitable font that reflects your wedding style.
  5. Review and proofread: Double-check for any errors or typos before finalizing your design.
  6. Print or send digitally: Depending on your preference, you can print your invitations at home or have them professionally printed. Alternatively, you can send them electronically via email or social media platforms.

With our sample wedding invitation template, you can create an invitation that is both memorable and elegant. The customization features and print-friendly design make it a breeze to create an invitation that reflects your personality and showcases the magic of your special day. Start customizing and get ready to wow your guests with your unique invitation!

Use our sample wedding invitation template straight from Google Docs or download it now as a PowerPoint template to get started! The success of delivering an effective and well-structured invitation is waiting for you.

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