Kind Astma Management Plan

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Zakelijk Gezondheid dag Behandeling Management Plan Voorbeeld Management Plan voorbeelden Astma ingeademd

Are you looking for a professional Child Asthma Management Plan? If you've been feeling stuck or lack motivation, download this template now!

Do you have an idea of what you want to draft, but you cannot find the exact words yet to write it down or lack the inspiration how to make it? If you've been feeling stuck, this Child Asthma Management Plan template can help you find inspiration and motivation. This Child Asthma Management Plan covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved. 

SAMPLE ASTHMA ACTION PLAN Name Asthma Action Plan, for Children 0–5 Years DOB Record Health Care Provider’s Name Health Care Provider’s Phone Number Completed by .Date Long-Term Control Medicines (Use every day to stay healthy) Other Instructions How Much To Take How Often (such as spacers/masks, nebulizers times per day EVERY DAY times per day EVERY DAY times per day EVERY DAY Quick-Relief Medicines How Much To Take How Often YELLOW ZONE GREEN ZONE Give ONLY as needed Child is WELL and has no asthma symptoms, Prevent asthma symptoms every day even during active play • Give the above long-term control medicines every day • Avoid things that make the child’s asthma worse  Avoid tobacco smoke, ask people to smoke outside    Child is NOT WELL and has asthma symptoms that may incude: • Coughing • Wheezing • Runny nose or other cold symptoms • Breathing harder or faster • Awakening due to coughing or difficulty breating • Playing less than usual • • Other symptoms that could indicate that your child is having trouble breathing may include: difficulty feeding (grunting sounds, poor sucking), changes in sleep patterns, cranky and tired, decreased appetite Child FEELS AWFUL warning signs may incude: • Child’s wheeze, cough or difficult breathing continues or worsens, even after giving yellow zone medicines RED ZONE Other Instructions NOTE: If this medicine is needed often ( per week), call physician • Child’s breathing is so hard that he/she is having trouble walking/talking/eating/playing • Child is drowsy or less alert than normal DANGER Get help immediately Call 9-1-1 if: CAUTION: Take action by continuing to give regular asthma medicines every day AND:  Give (include dose and frequency) If the Child is not in the Green Zone and still has symptoms after 1 hour:  Give  Give  Call (include dose and frequency) (include dose and frequency) MEDICAL ALERT Get help  Take the child to the hospital or call 9-1-1 immediately  Give more   Give m

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms or documents. Don't reinvent the wheel every time you start something new... 

Download this Child Asthma Management Plan template and save yourself time and efforts! You will see completing your task has never been simpler!

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