Ontbrekende meisje-sjabloon

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De beste manier om een Ontbrekende meisje-sjabloon te maken? Check direct dit professionele Ontbrekende meisje-sjabloon template!

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  • Gevalideerd door een professional
  • 100% aanpasbaar
  • Taal: English
  • Digitale download (34.08 kB)
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  • We raden aan dit bestand op uw computer te downloaden.

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Do you need a Missing Girl poster for a Missing girl? Download this Missing Girl template for a missing girl now! 


We regret the news you are missing a girl. We like to help and provide this free Missing Person Poster template to find that person as soon as possible. Provide information as much as possible, as soon as possible. In the case of missing person, every minute, and even second, counts. If the police receive new information right away, the chance of getting good news is often the case. Creating and spreading a digital missing poster is the easiest and fastest way to spread the news to the entire city. Also, it will help to print out missing person templates and spread them in the neighborhood.


It doesn’t require any fancy details on the design. As long as it has a clear picture and description of the missing person along with contact number, it should be enough to bring some light in the search. There are several free missing person poster samples on our website, free to download and customize to meet your requirements. 


This easy-to-customize Missing Person Template girl is useful for any kind of personal matter. Download this Missing Person flyer template (created in Microsoft Word) that most closely relates to your missing person situation and simply cut and paste the person's information and picture in the appropriate places.


Details In Missing Person Poster


As Missing Person Poster is related to a person’s life, it’s important to ensure the following information has been inserted on the poster:


  • Picture or photograph of the missing person;
  • Name: full name of the missing person;
  • Height: height in feet, cm or meters of missing person;
  • Weight: weight in pounds or kilograms of missing person;
  • Age: age in years, or year of birth of missing person;
  • Eyes: color of the eyes of missing person;
  • Hair: color and hairstyle of missing person;
  • Unique sign: mention specific physical traits or certain characteristics of the missing person;
  • Last seen: provide details on time and location of the missing;
  • Prize: consider to provide an extra budget to be given to the informant;
  • Contact person: phone number(s) and email(s).

When will you Need Missing Person Template?

A missing person case is a serious matter that requires help from the authority. However, you can help yourself by using Missing Person Poster Template to speed up your poster creation and to spread the words of this news. You should start thinking about missing person poster if:


  • Someone in your family went missing and you have contacted the police and they told you to wait at home;
  • Your family or a dear one is gone missing;
  • There’s no news from the police of the missing person.


Size of the Missing Person Template poster

Standard, it’s A4 size. From letter size to A3 size, from plain poster to reward poster (emphasizing on some words by getting the fonts bold, bigger and colorful). You can also search other references on the internet to apply to these templates. There is a black border line inside the template as your guide to put your picture and texts. You can remove those black border color once you finished customizing it.


We support you by providing this Missing Person Template girl template, which will save you time, cost and efforts and help you to find the missing person back as soon as possible.


Download this Missing girl template now!

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