Begrafenis Herdenking Service-programma

nelson mandela funeral memorial service program voorbeeld afbeelding
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De beste manier om een Begrafenis Herdenking Service-programma te maken? Check direct dit professionele Begrafenis Herdenking Service-programma template!

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  • Taal: English
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How to make a memorable Funeral Memorial Service Program? Have a look at this sample State Funeral Memorial Service program held for Nelson Mandela.

If you wonder what should be included in a memorial service program? This is an example Funeral Memorial Service Program that can help you to provide strength in these difficult times.

Since time and quality are of the essence, this beautiful funeral program can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter for the person that passed away.

Content: Memorial Programme – PM Official Programme National Anthem: Mass Choir Welcome and Opening Remarks: Programme Directors Prayers Tribute by Family Friend: Tribute by Family: Mandela Tribute by the Grandchildren: Mandela Tribute by UN Representative: Tribute by AU Commission Chair: by Foreign Dignitaries: President Barack Obama (USA) President Dilma Rousseff (Brazil) Vice-President Li Yuanchao (China) President Hifikepunye Pohamba (Namibia) President Pranab Mukherjee (India) President Raúl Castro Ruz (Cuba) Keynote Address by the President of the Republic of South Africa: His Excellency Sermon: Bishop Ivan Abrahams Vote of Thanks: Memorial Programme.

Download this Funeral Memorial Service Program template now. We wish you strength.

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