Microsoft Word - Resume Genius’S Resume Checklist.Docx

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Easy to download and use Microsoft Word - Resume Genius’S Resume Checklist.Docx

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  • Este documento ha sido certificado por un profesionall
  • 100% personalizable

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Resume Genius’ Ultimate 104+ Tips Resume Checklist RESUME SECTIONS Has Contact Details Has “Extras Sections” Has “Introduction Section” Optional: Linkedin Link Has Professional Experience Optional: Twitter Link“ Has Education Section REMOVE: G+, Facebook, Has Skills Section Instagram links SPELLING AND GRAMMAR Own name spelled correctly Use spellcheck on entire resume Used action verbs to begin bullet points Used periods consistently Asked someone else to proofread your resume Wrote numbers correctly Removed adverbs like “quickly” or “efficiently” AESTHETICS FORMATTING Removed “USA” from address specifications and preferred Did NOT write in ALL CAPS format Resume is at or below 2 pages Resume does NOT list too many experiences Resume does NOT include ancient experiences Resume is written in reversechronological order Resume is written according to company/government Resume is written in an appropriate format (reverse chronological, combination, functional) Resume sections in the correct order Have more than one version of your resume Written according to Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Font size and style legible and pleasing to the eye standards Resume properly manages Resume does NOT include whitespace images and other “artifacts” Lists multiple position within that can break ATS the same company Resume is NOT too fancy Does NOT rely heavily on Resume is NOT overly resume templates and formatted samples Resume is NOT under Does your resume need a formatted Qualifications Summary Uses accurate and descriptive job titles Resume uses tasteful, readable coloring Resume uses bullet points for readability Resume is NOT written like a CV BULLET POINTS Strongest bullet points listed first Bullet points NOT too short Has 3-6 bullet points per work Does NOT repeat bullet points experience Does NOT include irrelevant bullet points CONTENT Skills section specific and targeted to job posting Achievements have been quantified and targeted at job posting Information listed in

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