Printable Accounting Financial Sheets

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How to create an accounting Financial Sheets? Download this Printable Accounting Financial Sheets template now!

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Are you looking for a professional Printable Accounting Financial Sheets? If you've been feeling stuck or lack motivation, download this template now!

Do you have an idea of what you want to draft, but you cannot find the exact words yet to write it down or lack the inspiration how to make it? If you've been feeling stuck, this Printable Accounting Financial Sheets template can help you find inspiration and motivation. This Printable Accounting Financial Sheets covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved. 

2 7,267,425 7,279,594 Dartmouth College Consolidated Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2016, with summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2015 (in thousands) Temporarily Permanently Restricted Restricted Unrestricted Endowment Activities Gifts Net investment return Distributed for spending Other changes Amounts transferred (to) from other funds, net Change in net assets from endowment activities 63 ( 23,048) ( 48,243) ( 2,195) 5,758 ( 67,665) 2,327 ( 76,301) ( 160,335) 1,609 4,677 ( 228,023) 68,966 ( 200) ( 55) Total 2016 5,382 32,508 106,601 2015 71,356 ( 99,549) ( 208,633) 4,796 42,943 ( 189,087) 46,029 349,917 ( 214,225) 814 12,737 195,272 Operating Activities Revenues Tuition and fees Student scholarships Net tuition and fees 340,979 - - 340,979 326,580 ( 141,713) - - ( 141,713) ( 129,186) 199,266 - - 199,266 197,394 Sponsored research grants and contracts 183,083 - - 183,083 182,118 Dartmouth College Fund and other gifts 76,288 10,863 - 87,151 84,833 Distributed endowment investment return 200,640 6,304 - 206,944 212,493 Other operating income 106,825 207 - 107,032 125,064 Auxiliaries 76,089 - - 76,089 74,345 Net assets released from restrictions 21,331 ( 21,331) - - 863,522 ( 3,957) - 859,565 876,247 Academic and student programs 592,068 - - 592,068 568,685 Sponsored programs 133,016 - - 133,016 136,150 General institutional services 107,229 - - 107,229 101,125 85,798 - - 85,798 85,468 918,111 - - 918,111 891,428 ( 54,589) ( 3,957) - ( 58,546) ( 15,181) 53,459 ( 108,048) ( 3,957) - 53,459 ( 112,005) ( 15,181) - 65,713 416 66,129 86,185 ( 4,746) 3,177 - ( 1,569) ( 2,543) ( 31,732) Total revenues - Expenses Auxiliaries Subtotal expenses for ongoing operations Change in net assets from ongoing operations Restructuring expenses Change in net assets from operating activities Non-operating Activities Gifts Other non-operating changes, net Loss on extinguishment of debt ( 31,732) Distributed endowment investment return 3

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Download this Printable Accounting Financial Sheets template and save yourself time and efforts! You will see completing your task has never been simpler!

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