Response to Job Termination Letter

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How to create a Response to Job Termination Letter Download? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this example Response to Job Termination Letter Download template now!

We provide this Response to Job Termination Letter to help you communicate with the employer about your recent job termination. In such a case, time is of the essence, and this ready-made response template can help you to save time and to highlight why you are too important to let go.

Response to Job Termination Letter

As you are aware, {{Organization}} has recently undergone divisional restructuring. Part of this restructuring included the elimination of my position from {{Department}}. I was informed that the reason my position was chosen for elimination was that my area of specialty, the East Coast market, was not essential to the company's continued growth.

I believe that before my termination is final, my contributions to the {{Department}} department should be reviewed. I have developed unique contacts in the {{area}} market but have never been given the opportunity to develop other markets or new strategies for existing markets. My last appraisal indicated that the company was aware of and appreciated my creativity, innovation, and hard work. I have consistently shown good results in the difficult {{area}} market.

I would like the opportunity to discuss my selection for termination. I believe that I have unique skills that will increase {{Organization}}'s market share, which I know is of utmost importance to the company. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my request. I will contact you next week to set up a convenient time for us to meet. If you have any questions, please call me.

Using this Response to Job Termination Letter Download template guarantees you will save time, cost, and effort! Completing documents has never been easier!

Download this Response to Job Termination Letter now for your own benefit!

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