Simple job application email

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How to write a professional Job Application via email? Download this Email Job Application now!

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How to write a Job Application via email? Download this simple job application via email now!

We support by providing this Email Application Letter template, which will help you to write a strong letter that will grab your reader’s attention. By using a professional template, instead of starting from scratch, you will see that you not only save time and effort, but you will be more confident with the final results that you drafted. 

This Email Job Application is drafted by HR professionals, intelligently structured and easy to read through. Make sure to consider the following writing tips when you write a job application via email:

Although emails, in general, tend to be shorter than formal cover letters send in hardcopy, do not forget to introduce yourself properly and provide an overview of why you believe you are (the most) qualified candidate, however, do not go into too much detail. Email cover letters can be beneficial for applications that request a resume to be submitted via email but are not explicitly required.

Formal cover letters will be longer than those that are the body of an email where you attach your resume. For email, you will still introduce yourself and provide an overview of why you believe you are a qualified candidate, however, there will not be as much detail included as in a full-page cover letter. Email cover letters can be beneficial for applications that request a resume to be submitted via email but are not explicitly required.

Regarding the structure of a model letter:

The first paragraph is an introduction of yourself and how you learned of the opening, as well as your interest in the position/organization. This requires you to relate yourself to the organization or to the position in order to demonstrate your interest. 

The middle paragraph(s) is a profile of how your skills and experience match the qualifications sought. In order to do this, consider the following points: 

  • Read the job description carefully to get a clear idea of what the company is looking for. This goes beyond just the “qualifications” section of a job description- make sure to discuss your ability to do the job. 
  • Review the company website and other materials to learn what type of person the company might value. 
  • Match your experience and education (academics, volunteer experience, etc); 
  • Describe why you believe those experiences make you a qualified candidate for the job vacancy position. 

In the last paragraph wraps up the cover letter. You should reiterate your interest in the position, and desire to hear from them regarding the opportunity. You also want to thank the reader for their time in considering your application and provide information on how you can be reached. If you would like and are able to, you can state that you will follow-up with them directly. Be positive and confident (without being arrogant). 

Download this Email Job Application template now!

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