Graduation Farewell Speech

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How do you structure a Graduation farewell speech? Download this Graduation Farewell speech and impress your audience with a memorable speech!

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How do you structure a Graduation farewell speech?

If you follow these rules, you certainly can engage and capture your audience's attention instantaneously. Certainly, take your time to compile, edit, and review your speech which will benefit the audience and the efficacy of your message. 

Keep the following in mind, since this is important when writing so you can deliver a professional and engaging speech:

  1. Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us today;
  2. Include the names of the individuals you wish to thank especially;
  3. Know your audience and imagine like you are your audience;
  4. Know the purpose of your speech, and announce in the early beginning, why you will speech;
  5. Give hints to the length of the speech in the beginning;
  6. This speech structure keeps it engaging and can help initiate direct action: apply AIDA; principles (Attention – Interest – Desire – Action);
  7. Use a comfortable way of speaking, ideally in conversation style;
  8. Use regularly short clear sentences or proverbs and compose the speech in short paragraphs;
  9. Keep it brief and informative, without repetition; 
  10. Edit and re-edit your speech until it’s satisfying for 110%;
  11. You have to practice the speech a few times to improve the way you deliver the speech: Practice makes perfect!

Graduation Farewell Speech sample:
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, As nervous as I am standing here today I am also proud to be sharing my experiences with you all. First of all, I would like to congratulate all of the students here including myself for finally graduating. Every end has a new beginning. Today might be the last day for some of us as students of business school, but I believe our learning will actually start from today. When I left home, 4 years back I wasn't sure what I will get in return. I was excited but at the same time, a little scared of the new reality. Finland was the first country, outside_______, that I would be living on my own.  I was prepared to learn, explore, make new friends and get to know me as an individual self. Before Finland, there was always someone to guide me, my teachers in schools, my elders, and my mom. But here I was starting a journey where I set the rules and guided myself. It had finally occurred to me that I had to leave my comfort zone and live a new reality. But today as I stand here, I am proud to say that I had made the right decision to come. Life has been like coming out of the bed and landing on the couch. _________ has truly been my second home because I have had some amazing people as friends in this country. The environment and the people of this country are so welcoming and helpful that you don't feel away from home (but yes, they do take time to open up, and it is upon us international students that we behave in a friendly and open manner and not make the Finns uncomfortable with our presence). The good experiences that I got here of course do not imply that I did not have to face my share of discomfort and challenge, but it's these challenges that have made me a stronger and more confident person today. Every little encounters and experience gained here in _________ has been enriching and will remain within my memories for life long. Be it taking part in __________ project, see projects, selling foods in __________  or the internship projects. Talking from a graduating student's perspective, I believe the stories created beyond the boundaries of the University have been equally helpful to the graduates. Everyone here has had their own share of excitement and stories that they will carry along with their life. As a student of Oulu Business School, I have had a very different experience. The teaching style, the lectures, were very different from what I had experienced in my home country, and therefore for the first quarter of my semester, I was still a confused soul. I didn’t really understand the procedure, even though I attended each lecture. For me, the initial challenge was always to locate my next lecture hall. I was late almost every day in the lectures because no matter how many times I looked into the map, I still couldn't figure out the lecture halls, and sometimes I simply overslept because outside was too dark for me to believe that it was time to wake up. This slowly changed and I started adjusting to the system here because I had friends and professors who were eager to help and guide me and for that, I am really grateful...

Speech Quotes
Very useful Quotes that can be used in your speech;

  • "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." 
  • "There's no place like home."
  • "Actions speak louder than words."
  • "All good things must come to an end."
  • "There's no time like the present."
  • "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
  • "Time heals all wounds."
  • "When in Rome, do as the Romans."

We invite you to check out our compilation of speech templates, which are intuitive and available in several kinds of formats, such as PDF, WORD, etc. By using our speech template, you take a head start and avoid starting from scratch. Instead, it guarantees that you will save time and effort and enables you to put more attention to the details. And details are especially important when delivering a successful speech.

Download this Graduation Farewell speech and impress your audience with a memorable speech!

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