Roommate Rental Agreement Form

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How to draft a Roommate Rental Agreement Form? Download this Roommate Rental Agreement Form template now!


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How to write a proper Roommate Rental Agreement Form? Download this Roommate Rental Agreement Form template that will perfectly suit your needs!

When you are a landlord, or an existing group of tenants that are renting a room, or a place you share, it’s common to set up a roommate agreement. It organizes the daily routine and prevents future issues. When you are renting, some choices you make can have legal consequences, such as delay paying rent, making too much noise in the long run, misbehavior, etc. Therefore, if you are a landlord or an existing group of tenants, it’s important to give consideration to how to communicate with each other. 

This Agreement does not intend to be all-encompassing. It's to open discussion with potential roommates and therefore easy to be used and modified, added, or deleted clauses to meet their particular needs. This Roommate Agreement Contract template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. The utilities not included in the rent will be shared by the Roommates according to the following arrangement: 

  • Utility Name on Bill Payment Method (circle one) 
  • Electricity, Water, Gas, Heat, Garbage, Internet, Phone, Cable, Other: Even Split Rotating Specific Roommate(s),
  • Parking: The Roommates are entitled to park their vehicles on the Premises per the following instructions: Roommate Make and Color of Vehicle Parking Spot Location Each Roommate is responsible for any damage to the Premises caused by him or her including his or her guests.
  • Telephone 
  • Internet Cable/Satellite
  • TV Trash 
  • Pickup Moving Out
  •  Privacy/Guests/Overnight Guests
  • Sharing of Personal Items
  • Noise/Study Times & Space
  • Smoking, Drinking, Drugs
  • Parties/Entertaining
  • Pets/Allergies

If for whatever reason, one of the roommates moves out of the dwelling prior to the end of the lease term, they will give the other tenants and the landlord a minimum of 60 days' written notice. Parking If there is a limited number of parking spots, how will you decide who gets to park in these spots If required, who will be responsible for purchasing a city parking permit Noise/Study Times If there are times when you want the room or apartment to be quiet, this should be discussed and drafted into the contract.

Content: The responsibilities for utilities and other occupancy expenses are as follows: Item: Account in the name of: Amt of Deposit Deposit paid by How bill is shared Roommate responsible for payment Gas 3 Electricity Water Trash Telephone Internet Newspaper Cable TV Other: If a phone is shared, how will unclaimed telephone calls be paid. The roommates further agree that overnight guests will be permitted on the following basis: (a) If at any time the guest substantially interferes with the comfort, safety, or enjoyment of the other roommate(s), any roommate may revoke said guest’s visitation by expressly informing the host roommate and/or the guest that the guest’s permission to stay in the premises has been revoked, along with the reason(s) for this revocation.. the roommate has committed or permitted to exist a substantial nuisance in, or has caused significant damage to, the rental unit, the Property at large, or has created or has permitted to exist a substantial interference with the comfort, safety or enjoyment of the Landlord and/or the other roommates(s) or other tenants at the Property and the nature of such nuisance, damage, or interference is specifically stated in writing by the Landlord or the other roommate(s) and has not been reasonably corrected.. How many days can it be left before it is considered “abandoned ” What means can the property be disposed of by the remaining roommate(s), can they keep it, sell it, and/or trash it Is any notice required to the party who left it, and if so, how is the notice to be delivered before the property is disposed of by the remaining roommate(s) Check to make sure whatever is agreed to, is legal in the state in which the roommates reside..
Legal professionals need templates more than any other industry. Our trustworthy legal templates are all drafted and screened by legal professionals that have experience in special law-related fields and are actively involved in legal issues around the topic. Using our legal templates will help you to deal with the situation! There are blank spaces left to be filled in by all parties to the agreement, whoever handwrites or prints the information in the spaces should initial by each place something is handwritten.

However, this Legal template will help you deal with this legal matter, we still recommend you consider finding legal support in case you have doubts about dealing with it the right way.  

Using our easy-to-modify Roommate Agreement Contract helps to make a perfect document for any kind of personalized legal matter. This Roommate Contract provides users the opportunity to establish guidelines related to the details of their living arrangements. Anyone that has a softcopy, can easily modify, copy, or print a PDF file or a hardcopy document.

Download this Roommate Rental Agreement Form template now and make sure that all signors get a final copy of the final version.

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