Weekly Behaviour Chart

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How to create a Behavior Chart that actually works? What should be included in a behavior reward chart? Are you looking for an effective Weekly Behavior Chart?

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How to create a Behaviour Chart that actually works? What should be included in a behavior reward chart? Are you looking for an effective Weekly Behaviour Chart?

This behavior chart template can help you to get other people or children motivated to change their behavior. By using a behavior chart, it is found overwhelmingly result that you can see that it can make a big improvement. It doesn't work for every individual, but it does work to help someone to change his or her behavior. This Behaviour Chart covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved. 

Examples of inappropriate behaviors displayed:

  • Pitched a fit in class - Stomped/Hit desk/Threw papers
  • Pouted / Put head down / Ignored teacher
  • Used profane gestures/language
  • Did not pay attention overly distracted/fidgety
  • Did not complete classwork
  • Talked back inappropriate to the teacher
  • Refused to do what was asked by the teacher
  • Disrupted the class by talking
  • Out of seat without permission
  • Called peers ugly names
  • Mumbled under breath after being corrected
  • Threatened to hurt peers
  • Threatened to hurt teacher/adult
  • Physically hurt another student
  • Fought on the playground/recess
  • Brought weapon to school
  • Brought drugs to school
  • Did not bring papers back signed by a parent
  • Others 

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms, or documents.

Download this printable Weekly Behavior Chart sample and use the correct method to implement it and save yourself time and effort! You will see that completing your chores or tasks has never been simpler!

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