Pet Care Agreement Template

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Pet-Care-Agreement-template.doc. Easy to download and use .doc Law template.

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Legal Gesetzlich agreement Zustimmung government Regierung law Gesetz Private Law Privatrecht Virtue Tugend Common Law Gewohnheitsrecht Social Institutions Soziale Institution Justice Gerechtigkeit Government Information Regierungsinformationen Care Pflege Civil Law (Legal System) Zivilrecht (Rechtssystem) Indemnity Entschädigung Pet Haustier Sitter Modell Owner Inhaber

The following preventable suffering for a Pet Owner can be resolved with this legal document: - Lost Money - Personal funds used to pay the vet for unexpected medical treatment - Wasted funds for poor or inadequate pet sitting services - Lost Time - Need to return home early to properly care for your pet - Need to personally accompany your pet to the vet - Mental Anguish - Unnecessary pain and suffering of your pet not being taken to the vet for medical attention sooner - Damaged relationship with your family, friend, or Pet Sitter WHO IS RESPONSIBLE IF THE PET ACCIDENTALLY GETS SICK OR BITES SOMEONE The Pet Owner is usually responsible if the pet accidentally gets sick or bites someone when the Pet Sitter is not negligent or reckless..

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