Snellen Eye Chart

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What is a Snellen Eye Chart? We provide a professional Snellen 20/20 Vision Activity Eye Chart. Download this Snellen Eye Chart template now!

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Life Privé graphic design conception graphique snellen eye chart tableau des yeux de snellen Technology Technologie Chart Graphique letters des lettres Vision Ophthalmology Ophtalmologie Eye Œil Eye Care Soin des yeux Notation Distance Light Lumière Normal Ordinaire

What is a Snellen Eye Chart? Download this Snellen Eye Chart template now!

We provide a professional Snellen 20/20 Vision Activity Eye Chart eye printable template that is suitable to use in your clinic or school. This is the famous eye chart with the big capital letters you will often see hanging in a GP office or school. The Snellen eye chart was first designed by a Dutch ophthalmologist, Herman Snellen in 1860s. Other types of commonly used eye charts include the Landolt C, and the Lea test.

The chart is usually read while standing at a distance of 6 meters / 20 feet. Acuity is represented as a fraction, with the distance of which you are standing being the numerator (top part of the fraction), and the normal maximum legible viewing distance ("Distance" on the chart below) as the denominator (bottom of the fraction). So if, at 6 meter (or 20 feet), you can read the letters on the row marked “40,” this means you have visual acuity of 20/40 or better: 1/2 normal. From 10 feet, if the smallest letters you could read were on the “40” line, this would give you an acuity of 10/40: 1/4 normal. If you are nearsighted, your vision will become more normal the closer you stand to the chart.

Make your own Snellen eye chart!
For those enterprising souls out there who would like to laser print or draw by hand their own eye chart, or if you would like to verify that your printout is of the correct proportions, you can find the exact specs (like distance, letter height, font size) in this file.

Interpreting the Eyechart
“Distance” in the above table refers to the furthest distance from the chart at which a normal eye is able to read the letter. On a Snellen eye chart, row’s letters of a given size have the corresponding distance number next to them. Thus, the row of 18mm letters is marked “40.” The font must be Courier (or Courier Bold) in order for the "font size" in points to corresponding to the indicated letter height. Courier Bold is the PostScript font that most closely approximates the official Snellen letters.

Note: the top of the second page of the eye chart will need to be taped to the bottom of the first page of the eye chart (at the dotted line). Be sure to cover the dotted line with your paper.

Source: International Society for the Enhancement of Eyesight 

Download this Snellen Eye Chart template now!

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