Car Insurance Cancellation Letter

car insurance cancellation letter modèles
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How do I cancel my current auto insurance? Check out this Car insurance cancellation letter (Sample letter and writing suggestions) for your convenience.

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Legal Légal Life Privé Cancellation Annulation auto insurance cancellation letter insurance cancellation letter policy cancellation letter from insurance sample letter cancellation insurance cancellation form cancellation of insurance policy car insurance cancellation letter template car insurance cancellation letter sample car insurance cancellation letter example car insurance cancellation car insurance cancel car policy insurance

How do I cancel my current auto insurance? 

Some insurance companies will accept cancellation via a phone call, but most require an email or hardcopy letter as sufficient notice of policy cancellation. 

This is due to the fact that the insurance policy is an official contract: a legal agreement between you and the insurance company that protects you against financial loss in the event of damage caused by an accident, bad weather, theft, vandalism, etc.

If the insurance company specifically requires a letter, it must be signed, stamped, and mailed. To cancel car insurance, you should prepare a formal letter or email, that includes the following:

  1. Policyholder’s name (must be written by the policyholder);
  2. Policy number;
  3. Vehicle information (Vehicle Identification Number: VIN);
  4. Address, to send your refund or future documents;
  5. The date you want the policy to end;
  6. The date the cancellation request is sent;
  7. Signature.

In this case, there is no need to start from scratch. Instead, we provide this Car insurance cancellation letter template with text and formatting to help you sent out your letter immediately. It is best to do everything right so that your cancellation is processed immediately. Be polite and neutral. If time is of the essence, this ready-made cancel letter will help you to save time and focus on the topics that are more important.

Sample sentences what you can use:
To Whom It May Concern,
I am requesting the cancellation of my auto insurance policy, [policy number], effective [date new policy begins]. As of that date, I will be covered by [new insurance company name], policy number [new policy number]. Please stop all automatic payments or debits from my account as of that date. I am also requesting written confirmation of the cancellation and the timely refund of any unused premiums. Both may be sent to me at the following address.

Using this cancellation letter provides an easy way to save time and effort! It comes in Microsoft Office format and is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. 

Check out this Car insurance cancellation letter template (Sample letter and writing suggestions) for your convenience. It will make switching to another insurance company much easier!

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