Volunteer Intake Form

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What do you put in a volunteer application form? How to create a Volunteer Intake Form? Download this Volunteer Intake Form template now!

We support you in your need to hire volunteers by providing this Volunteer Intake Form template, which will help you to create the perfect one. This form helps to collect the most vital information of new volunteers that you want to be committed to your organization. The following information is important to collect:

  • Contact information,
  • Email address;
  • Birth date;
  • Current volunteer work;
  • Social security number (only necessary for background or credit checks);
  • Emergency contact, the relationship of the contact, address, and phone number;
  • Previous work or volunteer experience;
  • The highest education level reached;
  • Kind of volunteer assignment desired;
  • Would you like to be notified about one-time, short-term volunteer opportunities;
  • Transportation & Liability Coverage;
  • Driver’s License Number;
  • Our program has very limited funds available for transportation reimbursement;
  • Will you be requesting reimbursement for mileage or bus/van tickets;
  • I understand that if I use my personal automobile during my volunteer service, I will keep in effect the minimum liability insurance required by state law. 
  • I also understand that I volunteer my service through the {{Program}},and attest that I am not an employee of {{Program}}.
  • Etc.

The way this form is structured, that it's a combination of a collection form and an agreement form, this way the first step into a relationship is already mutually confirmed. This type of documents are common when people work on a voluntary basis. This will save you or your HR department time, cost and effort and helps you with the next step in acquisition of volunteers to help you achieve your goals. This Volunteer Intake Form is easy to understand by our users, since it's drafted and structured by HR professionals. 

Download this Volunteer Intake Form template now!

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