
bill of sale voorbeeld afbeelding
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Opslaan, invullen, afdrukken, klaar!
De beste manier om een Verkoopfactuur te maken? Check direct dit professionele Verkoopfactuur template!

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  • Gevalideerd door een professional
  • 100% aanpasbaar
  • Taal: English
  • Digitale download (395.61 kB)
  • Na betaling ontvangt u direct de download link
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How do I make a bill of sale? Do you need a Bill Of Sale example? Download this professional Bill Of Sale template now! 

This ready-made Bill Of Sale template is well suited for any kind of personalized business matter. Communicating in a professional way with your seller or buyer will get you( and your company) respect and will bring you further in life and business. Using our ready to use and easy to modify the Bill Of Sale sample brings you extra motivation and inspiration and gives you more time to focus on important subjects in your personalized file.

When preparing a Bill of sale, check if following is included: 
  • Printed Name 
  • Non-titled Trailer 
  • Non-titled Watercraft 
  • Year 
  • Serial Number 
  • Make Serial Number 
  • Year of the Last Decal 
  • Date of Sale 
  • Registration Number 
  • Buyer Information 
  • Buyer’s Name
  • Street Address 
  • City State 
  • Date of Sale 
  • Buyer Information 
  • Buyer’s Name Zip City 
  • Seller Information 
  • State 
  • Signature of Seller
  • Selling Price 
  • Signature of Seller
  • Trailers and trailer coaches must have the previous registration attached for the weight or have the weight certified by a weighmaster (commercial scales):
  • Business Name 
  • Scale Weight
  • Business Name 
  • Signature of Weighmaster 
  • Business Address 
  • Signature of Weighmaster 
  • Business Address 
  • Trailers and trailer coaches must have the previous registration attached for the weight or have the weight certified by a weigh master (commercial scales): 
  • Empty Scale Weight

We support you by providing this Bill Of Sale template, which will save you time, cost and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your career and business! 

Download this Bill Of Sale template now and enhance your business!

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