Voorbeeldbrief voor betwisting van onjuiste facturering

sample letter for disputing incorrect billing voorbeeld afbeelding
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Ordered a product or service but the amount billed is totally different than the amount that was agreed on and/or actually stated on the invoice?

How to dispute a billing error?
Once in a while, you might find an error on your ATM, debit, or credit card statement. If you don't act quickly, you could lose the right to challenge the error.

If you find an error on an ATM statement or debit receipt, and your physical debit card itself is not lost or stolen, you have 60 days from the financial institution's transmittal of the statement to notify the bank. Always notify by phone first and follow up with a letter. If you don't notify the bank within 60 days, it has no obligation to respond—which means you're probably out of luck.


Types of Billing Errors

  • a charge that is not clearly identified on your bill
  • a math error
  •  a charge for which you need more information
  • the company's failure to mail you a periodic statement
  • a charged by someone who was not authorized to use your card
  • a charge for property or services that were never delivered to you
  • the company's failure to credit your account properly, and
  • a charge for items you returned because they were defective or different from what you ordered.

But what if the company where you ordered a product or service just billed you wrong? In that case it is best to first try to contact the company by email, chat and/or telephone. For sure most will act immediately but there always some rotten appels that cause trouble or let you weight ages or for ever to reimburse you. Therefor it always a good idea to send a formal letter using a postal service with tracking to ensure that in case there is trouble at the end that you have the better legal position.

The letter included to this page can be used in case you got billed wrongly by a creditor. This letter is intended to send to the creditor (shop, agency, service provider etc.)

Feel free to download this sample dispute letter and adjust it to your own needs.

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