GenderBread Person

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How to explain gender by the GenderBread Person? Check out this GenderBread Person PPT now!

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How to explain gender by the GenderBread Person? Check out this GenderBread Person PPT now!

If you are open to exploring the Gender discussion, this GenderBread Person is a good starting point. We provide this GenderBread Person PowerPoint template to help you out. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made presentation can certainly help you out!

The GenderBread Person model includes: gender identity, gender expression, biological sex, sexually attractiveness, romantically attracted to, etc

Who created the Genderbread person?
Genderbread Person is created and illustrated by Sam Killerman. By its creation, he wants to simplify the many components of gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, and biological sex is by using the Genderbread Person model. He is also the author of and LGBT advocate.

The presentation lists the popular presentation of GenderBread Person. You can also download professionally designed .ppt and .pptx files to increase your productivity.

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Using this GenderBread Person makes life easier. Download this GenderBread Person PPT now!

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