新冠肺炎防治手册, 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床经验

新冠肺炎防治手册, 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床经验 modèles
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如何预防冠状病毒传播扩散?请查阅《 COVID-19预防和治疗中文手册》。 本手册由浙江大学医学院附属第一医院根据临床经验汇编而成 Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment, from first affiliated hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine

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Évaluation du modèle: 8

Aucun Malware/Virus trouvé, scanné par: Norton safe website

china Chine Health Santé healthcare soins de santé coronavirus COVID19 covid virus coronavirus template handbook of covid 19 covid 19 hospital corona virus handbook handbook how to deal with coronavirus

如何预防冠状病毒传播扩散?请查阅《 COVID-19预防和治疗中文手册》。 本手册由浙江大学医学院附属第一医院根据临床经验汇编而成 

新冠肺炎防治手册, 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床经验



  • 疫情防控技术策略
  • 诊疗及危重症救治方案
  • 护理方法和经验


This is a Chinese manual from renowned Zhejiang University Hospital with tutorials on how to prevent and treat the virus according to clinical experience. The English version can be found here, but for now please check and translate if necessary. The makers of this book understand that this handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment and Global MediXchange fo Combating COVID-19 (GMCC) is just the beginning. Let us work together to win this combat.

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