Employee Contract Addendum Regarding Polygraph Test

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Polygraph Examination Consent Addendum Template To Include Into Employee Contract In Word Format

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HR RH polygraph test test polygraphique Polygraph Polygraphe consent form formulaire de consentement

What is a polygraph?

A polygraph is an instrument that measures changes in a person’s body that are associated with stress or deception. It measures heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and the electronic conductivity of the skin. It measures the smallest changes and therefore is able to record deception based on the body’s physical responses to the stress caused by not telling the truth.

This written Polygraph examination permission should be included in the employment contract that both the employer and employee have signed before. 

Important to know: 
Every polygraph examination also needs to be preceded by a “polygraph consent form” with the written consent of the employee. The Consent for Voluntary Polygraph Testing Form is used to have a potential employee give permission for a lie detector test as a condition of employment.

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