Updated Cease And Desist Trademark Infringement

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Legal Légal intellectual property law loi sur la propriété intellectuelle trademark marque déposée communication la communication law loi Government Information Information du gouvernement Technology Technologie Name prénom User Utilisateur Civil Law (Common Law) Droit civil (common law) Property Law Loi de propriété Intellectual Works Travaux intellectuels Information Economics Economie de l'information Monopoly (Economics) Monopole (économie) Cease Cesser Desist Cesser

1399ECD CEASE AND DESIST TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT Sender s Full Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Date VIA Certified Mail / Overnight Mail / Email (email address) / Other Method of Delivery Infringing Party s Full Name Contact Person Name, Title (if applicable and known) Street Address City, State, Zip Code Re: Cease and Desist Trademark Infringement Dear Mr./Ms. Contact Person s Last Name / To Whom It May Concern: It has come to our attention that you are using the description of infringing party s trademark in connection with your goods and services..

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