110 Speaking Steps to Excellence Matrix PDF

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Are you looking for ways to improve your public speaking skills? Have a look at 110 Steps of Excellence by David JP Phillips.

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Business Entreprise improve public speaking améliorer la prise de parole en public

Are you looking for ways to improve your public speaking skills? Have a look at this famous tool that is used to rate public speaking: 110 Steps of Excellence and Techniques of communication by David JP Phillips.

The 110-techniques of communication and public speaking David JP Phillips basically analyzes the public speaking techniques on a scale from 1-12 from:
level 1: nervousness to the ultimate level (103-110). It analyzes the steps of evolvement, from :

  • 1-6: Nervousness;
  • 7-32: Voice;
  • 33-75 Body language;
  • 76-84: Facial expressions;
  • 85-102: Language;
  • 103-110: Ultimate level.

For every one that understands the importance of public speaking for his daily private and professional life, this tool can help you out. Also for those who fear public speaking, it's very helpful to understand the progress you can make in a short time, once you start practicing this skill.

Overcome your fear or improve your already moderate public speaking skill with this ultimate public speaking tips and tricks 110 Steps to Excellence Matrix PDF. Download it directly.

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