marketingcampagne Analist CV

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Zakelijk Resumé beheer Campagne Professioneel marketing CV Professionele marketing CV's

Passionate, sincere and persistent towards work Goal oriented approach Work Summary: Working as a campaign analyst with Horizon Media Inc, San Diego since January 2013 My responsibilities include: Handle the various marketing management activities of the organization as per the requirement Determine the campaign management policies, procedures and regulations for the organization to follow Meet the unforeseen challenges, problems or shortcomings that may come up during the campaign management process Receive and evaluate reports, sent by the marketing team to judge the on-field progress Worked as a campaign analyst with Blue Ocean Advertisers Inc, San Diego from November 2011 to December 2012 My responsibilities included: Lead and supervise the entire campaign management process Ensure the proceeding and functioning of the campaign management is in accord with the contractual terms and the regulations as applicable Track the campaign results and evaluate the success and effectiveness of the campaign against the set targets Check the availability of resources to implement the planned campaign management process, in terms of finance, labor, knowledge, time etc Worked as a campaign analyst with Blue Ocean Advertisers Inc, San Diego from January 2010 to October 2011 My responsibilities included: Prepare budget report for the campaign and submit to the accounts department for approval Generate innovative and attention grabbing ideas for successful campaigning..

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