Rental Agreement

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How do I make a rental agreement? Can you write your own tenancy agreement? Download this sample Rental Agreement between landlord and tenant template that will

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How do I make a rental agreement? Can you write your own tenancy agreement? Download this sample Rental Agreement between landlord and tenant template that will perfectly suit your needs!

A rental agreement is an agreement or contract between two parties over a property for rental purposes. This agreement will be of temporary possession and may be terminated after the specifically agreed interval of time. A complete rental agreement cannot be considered a lease. 

But it can also be categorized as a month-to-month lease. The rental agreement is not only confined to properties. It can be broadened to the terms of renting a product for some piece of time too. There are multiple terms specified for a rental agreement, like if some property is to be rented then the owner of a property is named as a lessor while the person who is taking the property on rent is referred to as a lessee.

What are the terms which you should include in your rental agreement?
Since a rental agreement is a highly official document that contains the details of a long-term lease about a landlord's property and it contains some terms on which both parties, the lessor and lessee agree upon. So, it is advisory that you should write all the elementary terms in the document. This long-term lease is going to be an immensely practical and official document so, a lot of care must be done while formulating it.  Some other terms which must be included in a rental agreement are listed below:

  • Names of the parties, owner and tenant;
  • Total duration for the rent;
  • Transaction type;
  • Maintenance charges;
  • Possible restrictions or limitations of a tenant;
  • Entry and vacating the property;
  • Property rights ;
  • Instructions about the payment of monthly bills;
  • Pets allowed or not;
  • Tenancy terms and conditions ;
  • Total rents decided and possible increase of fare.
All these terms must be mentioned in a rental agreement. Make sure that you do not miss some important points to avoid any possible conflict between you and your landlord. Legal communication is essential to individuals that aim to rent a house to ensure truthful, accurate information exchange and enable correct decision making. Such a rental agreement can have legal complications, and therefore requests extra attention. This Sample Rental Agreement template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. 

Rental Agreement
Agreement between Owner(s), and Tenant(s), for a dwelling located at (Location).
Tenant(s) agree to rent this dwelling on a month-to-month basis for $ per month, payable in advance on the day of the calendar month for which Owner(s) will give Tenant(s) a rebate/discount of $ 
The first month's rent for this dwelling is $ 
The security/cleaning deposit on this dwelling is $. It is refundable if Tenant(s) leave the dwelling reasonably clean and undamaged.
Tenant(s) will give days' notice in writing before they move and will be responsible for paying rent through the end of this notice period or until another tenant approved by the Owner(s) has moved in, whichever comes first.
Owners will refund all deposits due within days after Tenants has/have moved out completely and returned the keys.
Only the following persons and pets are to live in this dwelling described as  Without Owners' prior permission written permission, no other persons may live there and no other pets may stay there, even temporarily, nor may the dwelling be sublet or used for business purposes. Use of the following is included in the rent: 
Remarks (if any):
Tenants agree to the following:
to pay for any windows broken in the dwelling while they live there.
Violation of any part of this Agreement or nonpayment of rent when due shall be cause for eviction under applicable code sections. The prevailing party (shall/shall not) recover reasonable legal service fees involved. Tenants hereby acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand it, agree to it, and have been given a copy.

Using our legal templates will help you to deal with the situation! However, this Legal template will help you dealing with this legal matter, we still recommend you to consider finding legal support in case you have doubts about dealing with it the right way. 

Download this sample Rental Agreement template now and save yourself time, effort and possibly reduce the lawyer fees in order to become more successful. Once you finished the file, you can easily convert it into a PDF file.

Also interested in other Legal templates? AllBusinessTemplates is the #1 source for Legal templates! Just search on our website and have instant access to thousands of free and premium legal agreements, contracts, documents, forms, letters, etc used on a daily basis by professionals in your industry. 

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