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Equipment Damage Consultants, LLC (732) 530-9863 (732) 796-6955 Fax
96 Riverbrook Ave. Lincroft, NJ 07738
Equipment Damage Consultants, LLC
August 27, 2007
Patricia Johnson
Specialty Insurance Agency
1610 Route 88 West
Suite 205
Brick, NJ 08724
Insured: Clubhouse, Inc. DBA: Lupo’s Beef & Ale
Claim #: 07-21448-2.1 EDC File #: 820-07
D.O.L. = 07/01/07 or 07/02/07 (Reported)
Final Report
This letter serves as our final report on the above referenced claim involving reported
lightning damage to a rooftop Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) unit, at a
restaurant located at 2149 Reading Road, Allentown, PA.
Equipment Damage Consultants has been asked to
provide an on-site damage assessment, invoice/quote
review and Like Kind and Quality (“LKQ”) analysis
of the HVAC unit reportedly damaged at the Insured
property (Figure 1) to determine the appropriate
Replacement Cost Value (“RCV”).
It was reported by the Insured that on either
Wednesday August 1 or Thursday August 2 in the
evening, the approximately 11-year-old rooftop
HVAC unit serving one area of the restaurant malfunctioned due to a lightning striking
(neighbor reported witnessing electrical sparks and smoke coming from the unit). The exact
date of the event was unknown since the loss of cooling reportedly was not evident until the
next day. The facility did not lose power as a result of the event.
Figure 1. Insured Property
Photo Removed
Equipment Damage Consultants (EDC) was contacted by the Insurer initially on Thursday,
August 16 and asked to conduct a lightning verification analysis on the first reported date of
loss of August 1, 2007. This analysis, the report of which is provided as an enclosure to this
document, revealed that no lightning strikes had occurred within the standard five-mile
radius of the Insured property on August 1, 2007.

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth