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Staff Faculty
Equipment Loss / Damage Report
Revised 12/2012
Rockdale ISD
Technology Dept.
1. Staff/Faculty Member: _________________________________________
2. Date of Loss/Damage:_________________________ RISD#_______________________
3. Place Loss/Damage Occurred (circle one):
Classroom Lunchroom Gym Home Other:________________________
(please specify)
4. Individual(s) involved:
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
5. Briefly describe the loss/damage and the circumstances surrounding it:
___Accidental ___On Purpose
(Use the back for additional comments if needed.)
6. Staff / Faculty Comments:
7. Signatures:
______________________________ ______________________________
Principal Teacher
Please send this form directly to Technology Dept. after signature of Principal and Teacher.

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin