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15-16 February 2017 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Provisional Programme
Day 1: Wednesday 15 February
09:00 09:20
Welcome remarks
UNISDR Regional Office for Africa
Delegation of the European Commission to Ethiopia
African Union Commission
09:20 09:30
Self-introductions by participants
09:30 10:00
Project briefing
Project Briefing by UNISDR, including:
Sendai Framework
Making Cities Resilient Campaign
The Sustainable Development Goals
The New Urban Agenda
10:00 10:30
Health Break
10:30 11:00
Discussion and Q&A on the Project
11:30 13:00
DRR at the local level briefing:
1. Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
2. Kampala, Uganda
3. Kisumu , Kenya
4. Praia, Cape Verde
5. Yaoundé, Cameroon
Each city makes a presentation (15 minutes each) using the
given template highlighting: Key risks faced; Gaps and
challenges in risk assessment; Ongoing and future plans on
capacity building, planning and integration of disaster risk
13:00 14:00
14:00 17:00
Health Break: 15:00-15:30
Identify common issues and experiences across cities.
Discuss role of the project in addressing identified
challenges and achieve intended goals.
Identify key milestones and timelines on project
Day 2: Thursday 16 February
08:30 09:00
Recap of the Day 1
09:00 10:00
Presentation of city work plans
Based on discussion on Day 1, cities to present (10 minutes
A draft work plan with the given milestones and timeline
The most efficient and effective process in each city
Immediate next steps
Roles and responsibilities
Implementing partners
Expected challenges and mitigation measures
10:00 10:30
Health Break
10:30 12:30
Discussion on work plans presented
Consensus on immediate next steps and implementing
12:30 12:45
Closing remarks
12:45 13:45
Lunch and Departure
Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient
Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction 2015-2030 at the Local Level

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker