HTML Preview Gift Inventory Format page number 1.

My gifts are… check as many things that you do well.
____ accounting/ finances
____ acting/ drama
____ analyzing/evaluating
____ artistic (
____ athletics
____ budgeting
____ building consensus
____ calligraphy
____ caring and compassion
____ carpentry/ building
____ child care
____ clerical work
____ communicating
____ computer usage
____ database applications
____ data entry
____ desktop publishing
____ spreadsheet
____ website development
____ word procession
____ cooking/baking/providing food
____ coordinating
____ crafts
____ dancing
____ decorating
____ delegating
____ designing
____ discerning
____ discussing
____ driving
____ facilitating
____ faith-sharing
____ following up on tasks
____ fund-raising
____ gardening
____ graphic design
____ helping
____ hospitality
____ housekeeping
____ interviewing
____ legal services
____ leading
____ learning
____ library work
____ listening
____ maintenance/ ground work
____ mechanical work
____ mediating
____ medical/ nursing care
____ mentoring
____ music: instrument ____________
____ music: vocal
____ negotiating
____ nurturing
____ organizing
____ photography
____ planning
____ praying
____ problem-solving
____ promoting programs/ ideas
____ public speaking
____ quilting
____ recording/ sound systems
____ recruiting others
____ researching
____ ritualizing
____ sewing
____ sharing ideas/ vision
____ social justice work
____ summarizing/ synthesizing
____ supporting
____ teaching/ training
____ team-building
____ telephoning
____ video taping
____ visioning
____ welcoming
____ working hard/ get it done
____ writing
____ youth ministry
____ other: _________________
Home Phone___________________Cell Phone_____________________
Gift Inventory
Gift InventoryGift Inventory
Gift Inventory

Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. | David Rockefeller