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Library Toolkit email templates
If you’d like to increase awareness about the Royal Society of Chemistry resources in your
library, these email templates will help. There’s one for each of our main products:
Free content messages
1. Gold for Gold
Subject line: Paper to publish? Make it Gold open access
Dear <library user>
Did you know that <your library> subscribes to the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
premium publishing package?
As well as giving you access to their high impact journals, it means that you can
publish new papers in any of them via the Gold open access option.
To find out more ask about Gold for Gold in the library.
Best wishes
2. ChemSpider
Subject line: Have you tried ChemSpider?
Dear <library user>
Looking for reliable small organic compound data?
ChemSpider, run by the Royal Society of Chemistry, is free chemical structure
database providing fast access to over 35 million structures, properties, and
associated information, from over 500 data sources.
Access ChemSpider at
Best wishes

Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is. | Seth Godin