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World Service Conference Archive Committee
Shipped Donation Inventory Form
Area Area Archivist Phone #____________
Name of Donating Member
Phone #
Archive spans dates between Shipped to WSO on
Shipping Contact: ____________________________Email_____________________________
Detailed Description of Archive From Where, What Event, Color, Size, Date, etc.
Please Print Clearly or Attach Printout -
Signature of Shipper______________________ Date __________ Total # of items in this box_________
For WSO use only:
Approved for shipment by DOO on____________Weight______________Tracking #_________________________
Archive ID Form # ___________Received at CAWSO on ___________Contents Verified by____________________
Sorted & Inventoried by __________________________Title_______________________ Date__________________

If it really was a no–brainer to make it on your own in business there’d be millions of no–brained, harebrained, and otherwise dubiously brained individuals quitting their day jobs and hanging out their own shingles. Nobody would be left to round out the workforce and execute the business plan. | Bill Rancic