HTML Preview Parent School Satisfaction Survey page number 1.

(Adapted with Permission from
Cornell Cooperative Extension, Monroe County, NY)
Use the survey on the next page as a written or telephone survey, depending on the needs
and preferences of parents in your program. If your program and program parents have
access to the Internet, post the survey form on your Web Site or send it as an email. Post an
envelope where parents can deposit completed surveys.
Dear Parent:
Each year we survey parents in our program to learn how well they are satisfied with program
services. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and feelings about your child’s
school-age program. Your comments will help us make improvements to the existing program
and make plans for new program initiatives if needed.
The survey is confidential and does not require your signature. Please return the form to our
office by______________. You may deposit the completed survey in the form provided on the
Parent Bulletin Board, or if you prefer, you may mail or email it to the program.
Thank you for sharing your input and suggestions.
See next page for Questions and Survey Format
Excerpted from Roberta Newman. Building Relationships with Parents and Families in School-Age
Programs, 2
Edition, Revised. New Albany, OH: School-Age NOTES. Pages 107 108.

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields