HTML Preview Social Media Audit Plan page number 1.

This template is to help you conduct a social media audit for your business.
Follow these steps to execute your next social media audit.
Step 1
Create a spreadsheet and write down all the social networks you own and the owner for each.
Example: Social Media Audit Template example
Step 2
Go on Google (or Baidu/Bing/etc) and search up any other social media profiles that is representing your
company that you don’t own (imposters). Create a separate spreadsheet.
Social Media Audit Template
Step 3
Evaluate the needs for all your social media profiles and create a mission statement for each.
For example: Instagram ProfileTo share company culture and company achievements.
Social Network URL To Profile Owner
Social Network URL Owner Shutdown Y/N
Social Network URL to Profile Owner Mission Statement

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda