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2016-2017 A/P Advancement Monthly Activity Schedule
Deadline Date
July & August
Departmental A/P staff ranking lists sent to departments. Department Heads
forward rank assignment sheets for any staff without rank assignments.
Dean’s Office kicks-off AP Advancement process. A list of A/P Advancement
Committee vacancies is sent with a request for committee nominations. It is
suggested that the department committees be organized at this time.
A/P staff meet with their supervisor/unit leader to review dossier of
professional activities and to prepare advancement documents (for those A/P
staff who have expected time in rank and desire to be considered).
AGAD Department (Ag Adv, Ag Alumni, ABO, AgIT, ARP, CES, Non-Educator Field Extension, DO,
IPIA, OAP, OMP, PAC) Committee Activities
Wed, Oct 19, 2016
Documents due in Dean’s office for pre-review by AGAD Dept Committee
Thu, Oct 20
Pre-review documents sent to the AGAD Department Committee
AGAD Dept Committee meets to review documents for content only
Tue, Nov 1
Fri, Nov 11
Documents returned to AGAD DH/UL for revision
Mon, Nov 21
Documents due in final form (electronically + 1 hard copy) for AGAD
Department Committee evaluation
Tue, Nov 22
Final Advancement documents available for AGAD Department Committee
review via SharePoint site
Wed, Dec 7
Preliminary ballots due from AGAD Department Committee via SharePoint site
AGAD Dept Committee meets to review and vote on advancement documents
Fri, Dec 9
Documents returned to unit leaders w comments from AGAD Dept Committee
Dean’s Committee Activities
Wed, Jan 4, 2017
Advancement documents due from all departments electronically
+ 1 unstapled hard copy
Dean’s A/P Advancement Committee meets to review process
Fri, Jan 27
Dean’s A/P Advancement Committee preliminary ballots due electronically
Fri, Feb 3
Department heads/unit leaders contacted with results of preliminary ballots and
to determine schedule of presentations.
Tue, Feb 7
Schedules distributed for presentations to the Dean’s A/P Advancement
Wed, Feb 15
(time TBD)
Dean’s A/P Adv Cmte meets to hear defenses

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein