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Forms Manual F 3-18-A
3-18-A Internal Audit Checklist Updated April 8, 2015 Page 1 of 8
School Name:
Staff Names: (1) (2) (3)
Internal Audit Checklist
Documents Checklist: (to be available in hard
copy or electronic format in Docushare)
1. Playground Equipment inspection report
2. School Generated Funds (SGF) annual
statement (prior year and Year-To-Date
3. Financial Detail Reports by Category
4. Financial Records and Documents
including: cheque book, cheque register,
deposit books, invoices, bank statements,
bank reconciliation’s, etc
5. Copy of School Disaster Plan
6. a. Copy of Equipment Inventory
b. Band Instrument Inventory
7. Copy of School Policies & Procedures
8. Summary of Major Fundraising activities
for the year (Form 3-3)
9. Copy of prior year audit letter & response
to recommendations
10. Enrolment Calculation Sheet (March 15)
11. Credit Enrollment Unit (CEU) Calculation
12 CEU Reconciliation Semester 1 (Senior
High Schools)
13. CEU Management Statement (prior year)
14. Office Procedure Manuals
15. Student Record Files (available for review)
16. Technology Acceptable Use 5-70
signed by students (available for review)
17. Copy of Fire Drill Dates & Planned Dates
(OH&S 24)
18. Key and Card Swipe Control Sheet
19. Evacuation Maps for each room
20. Annual Fundraising activities list
Financial Checklist:
1. Irregularities or any item with which you
are unfamiliar is reviewed and
questioned on a regular basis
2. Statement of accounts is reviewed on a
monthly basis
3. All bank accounts are reconciled with the
statement of accounts on a monthly

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