Drop Shipping Toolkit

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Are you a Drop Shipper looking for useful documents and contracts to improve your business?

Drop shipping is a retail fulfillment method in which an (online) webshop (the actual 'Drop shipper') does not keep products in stock, but instead directly transfers the received customer orders and shipment details to the manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler, who then ships the products directly to the Customer. We developed a Toolkit for all Drop Shippers, from newbies to veterans. It's easy to download and you will see it's very simple to implement and integrate into your Drop Shipping business! 

Please consider the following when you want to attract new Drop Shipping Retailers. For a Drop shipping vendor, the ideal supplier to partner with:

  • is reliable and needs to produce quality products;
  • open for innovative ways to do his business, and wants to outsource this online marketing tasks to you, and who will not try too;
  • has your products on stock;
  • needs to be ready for growth for his company;
  • are able to ship goods worldwide (much bigger market);
  • needs to ship products frequently, and max. once a week. This is important because customers want to receive the products as soon as possible;
  • has a showroom to show its products;
  • can provide customer support, when you receive questions from customers;
  • pays the commission on a frequent basis.

Try out this Drop Shipping Toolkit and you will find useful drop shipping documents, contracts, spreadsheets, templates, etc that are suitable to enhance your Drop Shipping business!

Also, please have a look at our unique Drop Shipping Planner.

Nothing on this site shall be considered legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is established.

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I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker