SWOT Analysis Template

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How to make a SWOT analysis of your company or your project? Download this strategic SWOT with detailed and global matrix template for Excel now!

We provide this professional Excel spreadsheet SWOT analysis, including 2 different kinds of SWOT matrices and an extensive list of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. 

Please note this is not the average SWOT analysis tool, but its an improved model that enables you to make a quick analysis how to improve your strategy, and how to deal with it: "attack", "defend", "strengthen" or "solve". 2 unique SWOT analysis in 1 template:

  • SWOT template detailed
  • SWOT template global
  • an extensive list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

The SWOT matrix (2X2) can be useful to compile a strategic planning.
It's based on four elements: 

  • Strengths;
  • Weaknesses (or Limitations);
  • Opportunities;
  • Threats.


characteristics of the business, or project team that give it an advantage over others

Some of the strengths on the list in this template:

  • reputation in marketplace
  • expertise at partner level
  • services from existing branches;
  • staff experienced in the end-user sector;

Weaknesses (or Limitations): 
are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others 

Some of the weaknesses on the list in this template:

  • too little sales or account;
  • customer lists are not checked;
  • no direct marketing experience;
  • downtime and slow systems and processes.

external chances to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in the environment 

Some of the opportunities on the list in this template:

  • little competition decisively;
  • the market is open to innovations;
  • export is possible;
  • more suppliers on the market.

external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project

Some of the threats on the list in this template:

  • small competitors that invade the marketplace;
  • very difficult to interpret market signals;
  • seasonal sales;
  • reputation increasingly dependent on sustainability;
  • distribution channel in jeopardy.

Internal factors:
the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. 

External factors:
the opportunities and threats presented by the external environment to the organization.

This improved SWOT analysis template will grab your colleagues, employees or boss' attention. Every other essential aspect of strategic SWOT analysis in this spreadsheets are covered. After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can customize every detail and appearance of your SWOT and finish in minutes.

Download this SWOT Analysis excel template and customize it's details and appearance and finish it within minutes in Excel or Google Sheets.

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To win without risk is to triumph without glory. | Pierre Corneille